-FUPPETS- would like to share a couple of online resources for those who love to read. The first is a well-known site called
Project Gutenberg. It aims to collect as many books and pieces of writing in the public domain as it can, and it succeeds quite admirably. There are so many old books, many of them out of print and very rare, available as text files, as word documents, or as a variety of E-Books, downloadable to whatever E-Book reader you may have. It is quite exhaustive and awesome. The other site
-FUPPETS- wants you to check out is
Knowledge Files. If you have a taste for the esoteric, the occult, the mysteries, etc., then you owe yourself a visit to this site, where rare books are available for download. The site also provides a forum on which one can discuss the books and ideas contained therein.
Mr. MIMIC: The extraordinary gifts and fleeting legacy of Sammy Davis Jr. - (
John H. McWhorter -
City Journal )
Science Daily )
THE DUSTBIN OF ART HISTORY: Why is so much contemporary art awful? We’re living through the death throes of the modernist project — and this isn’t the first time that greatness has collapsed into decadence - (
Ben Lewis -
Prospect Magazine )
HOLY TERROR: The Rise of the Order of Assassins - (
Jefferson Grey -
HistoryNet.com )
GLOOM MERCHANT: To be truly happy we must be pessimistic. - (
Roger Scruton -
New Humanist )
SLOW DOWN, ROBERT JOHNSON!: Have we been hearing him at the wrong speed? - (
Soundcheck -
WNYC.org )
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