Aug 28, 2008


Fossilized remains of ancient creatures are some of the most beautiful things that the natural processes of geology can create. Fossils are the only window we humans have to a time, nearly inconceivably long ago, when creatures that first populated the Earth were alive and kicking. For centuries humans have pondered what these weird bone-shaped stones were, until it was realized that they were truly ancient remains. There are now many recognized processes by which plant and animal matter can be fossilized. The more we know about the process the easier it is to locate the exposed places on Earth where fossils are likely to be found. But check this shit out.

A turtle that toddled alongside the dinosaurs died just days before laying a clutch of eggs. Now, about 75 million years later, paleontologists are announcing their find of the fossilized mother-to-be and the eggs tucked inside her body. - Jeanna Bryner -

There have been thousands upon thousands of fossils found, of nearly every possible type of creature, including a shit-ton that are no longer existing today. The first time that fossilised dinosaur eggs were discovered, people did not want to believe such fragile things could survive over 100 million years. This pregnant river turtle, a species long extinct, is the first obviously pregnant fossilized animal ever discovered! It is indeed amazing. The chances against an animal dying in just the right plafce to prevent decay and promote fossilization are nearly infinitessimal, but to find a pregnant animal? Truly rare indeed. Pictures are not yet available.

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