Oct 8, 2008

ASTEROID Explodes Over Africa

There are nearly an infinite number of objects in our Solar System that could potentially strike the Earth. The main barrier to an actual impact is our dense atmosphere. Most anything that comes into our gravity well will be burned up as it enters the atmosphere, creating anything from shooting stars to large fireballs in the sky, depending upon the size of the object. Giant objects, the size of a house or bigger, can have enough mass to not burn up fully, striking the Earth as Meteorites.
-FUPPETS- has experienced a fireball in the sky twice, both in broad daylight over Houston, Texas. It is quite a fantastic sight. One exploded after about a minute of crossing the atmosphere, while another seemed to "bounce off" the atmosphere after blazing for less than a minute. The image below is a relatively close-up view of a fireball meteor. Click the image to enlarge.

-FUPPETS- brings this up because of this article.
Earlier this week a table-sized Asteroid exploded over a remote area of Africa, exploding with the force of over 1 kiloton of TNT.

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