Aug 14, 2008

BIGFOOT FOUND (and stuffed into a freezer)

Rick Dyer and Matthew Whitton, two Georgia hunters, claim to have found and shot a Bigfoot, as well as filming a clan of Bigfeet who were around when they killed it. The Bigfoot is called RickMat, named after the two men who shot it. Matthew Whitton is a police officer who is currently on leave from police work after accidentally shooting himself while pursuing a robbery suspect.
They published a press release on their website,, a fucking Flash animation monstrosity, that they
“have located a family of Bigfoot and besides the clear photo and video we
have something even more shocking, A BODY. Please bear with us at this time. We have hired legal help. History is in the making.

The specimen/corpse is claimed to weigh 500 lbs. When will they allow everyone to see it I wonder? There is a long history of hoax upon hoax built up with press releases and blurry photographs. -FUPPETS- reserves judgement until they come clean and allow credible biologists to examine their find. Hopefully it is the real deal, which would be a sensation. Either way it makes for a very interesting story.
The full press conference is to take place tomorrow. Keep your eyes peeled!

1 comment:

RODOG said...

First vidoe of the Chupa Cabra now they shot Big Foot, man the Loch Ness monster is next HAHAHAHAHA

Long Live FuPPets