Aug 18, 2008

Beijing Olympics SMOG UPDATE

The past few days at the Olympic Village in Beijing have had decent weather lately. The other day actual blue skies were evident above the Bird's Nest Stadium. The Chinese News agencies and China Daily have posted an article detailing the "best air quality in a decade."
What they mean by that is that they have had two days this August where the air quality has ranked Grade I (excellent). August 16th was one such day.

This all sounds well and good right? China is making good on it's promise to clean up their air pollution, right? WRONG. China and it's fucked up government are, as usual, faking their way through everything. This article from the Kansas City Star details much of their fakery.

"That's not smog hovering over Beijing, swallowing entire office buildings
like a mighty python. It's just "a funny mist," says the city's environmental
chief, who insists that the Chinese government has eliminated air pollution in
the capital. And he's right: By moving its monitoring stations as far as 40
miles from the city center, Beijing's air-quality reports read like Irving
Berlin lyrics: Blue skies, smilin' at me. Nothin' but blue skies do I see..." -
Glenn Garvin, Kansas City Star
The Chinese totalitarian government has seen these Olympics as the perfect platform for their image-creation plans. They wish to portray their dictatorship in the best light possible and they are stopping at nothing to do so. Stephen Spielberg was originally hired to oversee the entire production. He backed out, and good for him, because the Chinese government is a fucking bastard crew.

"The BBC has been doing independent monitoring of air quality, and on the day of
opening ceremonies, when the Beijing EPB reported a particulate pollution API
just under 100, the BBC recorded levels nearly three times that high. " - David Epstein, Sports Illustrated

I am sick to death of the corporate shills in USA Network television getting their news feeds from China itself. Those fuckers at NBC need to do some investigative reporting and stop feeding us that fucking bullshit Chinese propaganda.

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